When you change your timezone to PDT (UTC-7) it will be displayed as 03:43. A message send at 12:43 CEST is stored as 10:43 UTC. The timezone on your device defines how this UTC time/date is displayed. The message TIME displayed is in the UTC timezone.Display reactions to messages (not accessible via API).Download/display files shared in external Enterprise Content Management systems (Onedrive/Sharepoint).Download whiteboards (unless you post a snapshot).Print: just like it appears on the screen.Display: external users in different color (users with other domain).Display: show (linked or downloaded) user avatars.Display: messages grouped per month, with navigation at the top.Restrict messages by number of messages, number of days, from- date or from-to date.All files are organized: \spacenamefolder with subfolders for \files, \images, \avatars.Download space images, files or both (with msg file date).Batch archiving with multiple config files.Find space ID with built in search function.Mac: SSL fix (see troubleshooting section at the end).Be a member of the Webex message space you want to archive.Python 3.9 or higher (not tested with 3.6).It's not beautiful code but it works :-)įeedback? Please go here and let me know what you think! VIDEOĮxample HTML file of an archived Webex space: NOTE: This code is written for a customer as an example.

NEW: Important Release! v25 (check out new features in the release notes)Īrchive Cisco Webex space messages to a single HTML file.